10 Tháng Hai 201612:17 CH(Xem: 2837)

                         HUMANS DID NOT EVOLVE FROM MONKEYS

                No matter how God created humans, it does not affect the faith of those who are taught by the Holy Spirit to believe in God, it does not affect the belief that only humans have souls because the Bible teaches very clearly: "God took dust from the ground (matter) and molded man, breathed the BREATH OF LIFE (Truth, Life, the Holy Spirit of God) into his nostrils and man became a LIVING BEING: God created our bodies from matter, no matter how, only MAN IS BREATHED THE BREATH OF LIFE, which is to create the SOUL to combine with the body. But humans did not evolve from monkeys because there are at least seven different reasons, and just one of them is enough to clearly determine that humans cannot be from monkeys:     
                  Since ancient times, no one has been born who can stand up, walk, running, jumping, climbing right away but three months to learn to roll over, seven months to learn to crawl, eight or nine months to learn to hold on and walk, the first steps still fall down. Old and young, big and small if not trained to swim and fall into the water, they will sink. But monkeys are different, monkeys like most animals that walk on land know how to crawl, walk, run, jump, climb, swim, do not need to practice, all of monkeys' "talents" are innate, born like that, growing up until old age and death still remain the same without further development. When humans are born, they are weaker and less smart than monkeys, but when they grow up, humans are hundreds of thousands of times more intelligent and talented than monkeys. As for monkeys, people have to spend a lot of effort to teach them some movements to perform tricks, act in movies without realizing what they are doing.
                  Many animal experts have made comparisons to classify the intelligence of animals. The advantage of monkeys is that they have bodies and limbs, so they have many gestures that are very similar to humans, but those actions and gestures are not very conscious, while animals like dogs, cats, pigs, horses, buffaloes... Although their heads, bodies, faces, noses and limbs are completely different from humans but their actions are more conscious than monkeys, and in terms of intelligence, monkeys only rank 6th or lower. If we were to evolve in order of intelligence, humans would have to evolve from dogs, cats, pigs, horses, buffaloes, instead of monkeys.

                 Humans are completely inferior to birds
 with wings to fly, completely inferior to fish that can swim easily in water, completely inferior to monkeys and apes in climbing, completely inferior to the strength of lions, bears, tigers and many other things that humans are inferior to animals by the ingenuity given by God. But only in intelligence, humans are superior thousands of times to animals. So if we say humans evolved from monkeys, then monkeys must be a hundred times smarter than other animals, so why are monkeys so stupid? Actually, just talking about the stupidity of monkeys is enough for us to never mention the phrase "Our ancestors were monkeys". 
                Recently, some people who specialize in studying monkeys have tried to teach them to make signs, perhaps wanting to prove that our monkeys are very intelligent, but the result is that the "ancestor" is not intelligent at all, but makes everyone realize that the language of monkeys is extremely pathetic, almost zero. In this respect, monkeys are far inferior to many animals, not to mention some animals like starlings, parrots, crows, which can imitate human speech very well even though they are not aware of what they are saying. Most livestock species such as dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and many species of birds and wild animals have languages ​​that can convey sadness, joy, love, anger, and express desires much better than monkeys. In terms of language alone, saying that monkeys can evolve to become humans is not scientific at all, because the languages ​​of all species combined are not even one percent of humans', and monkeys are at the bottom. If only monkeys could know the words "yes" or "no" so that the theory of evolution would not be so embarrassing. Perhaps God also loves, knowing that today we have to argue so much that he created dumb monkeys, otherwise why would monkeys be so bad, yet people borrow the name of science to assert that humans come from monkeys. 
               Singing is a wonderful art, expressing love, anger, happiness, sadness, sympathy between the singer and the listener. Birds also know how to sing, but that is only a gift from God, so it cannot be compared to humans because singing can elevate the human soul closer to God, Singing proves that only humans have a Soul. Like Language, human singing is an art that animals can never compare to, especially monkeys, who are completely ignorant in this aspect. Some people have taught dogs to sing, taught birds to sing, but no one has ever taught monkeys to sing, so in terms of singing, saying that humans evolved from monkeys is ridiculous and unscientific.                             LAUGHING AND CRYING
              When a human is born, he immediately cries, people call it "The Cry of Birth", but only humans cry when they are born, no animal is born crying. Many people think pessimistically that "life is tears". But not long after that cry of birth, humans begin to smile and laugh in all kinds of tones. There have been many poems and verses about laughter and crying because laughter and crying express a rich variety of human emotions, such as smiling, grinning, giggling, laughing bitterly... And there is also tearful crying, sobbing, whining, mournful crying... Among animals, the buffalo also knows how to laugh and cry, although not out loud: When a male buffalo wins over its opponent, it immediately raises its neck very high and shows its white teeth to the sky, when forced to pull a plow beyond its capacity, the buffalo sheds tears while working. When forced to leave her young baby, the mother buffalo cried and snotted until she saw her child again. When a dog is happy, its face is cheerful, its throat makes a happy sound, when it is in pain or sad it also knows how to whine, some even shed tears, puppies far from their mothers also cry. Pigs also know how to cry for food, when they are tied up they cry loudly. Chickens and ducks also know how to cry.
                  But monkeys are completely different, monkeys do not know how to laugh or cry, when small monkeys are happy, sad, angry, afraid, in pain,they are always poking and teasing. Big monkeys always look sad, there is no comparison between laughing and crying, even when in pain they cannot shed a single tear. So when it comes to crying and laughing then buffaloes, dogs, pigs, chickens, ducks, still have a little bit of resemblance to humans, but monkeys are too far apart. It must also be said that the image of a monkey baring its teeth in circuses is not a laughing monkey, because sometimes when trained to have that movement, the monkey had been beaten very painfully or shouted at fiercely, so that is the monkey's resistance movement, not a laughing monkey. Therefore, if there is evolution, then billions of years from now, monkeys will not have the ability to laugh and cry to become humans.
               Monkeys have fur like dogs, cats, leopards, tigers, bears, rabbits, from head to toe, almost the same length, only different in some places, thick in some places, hard in some places, soft in others, forming a coat of fur.
              But humans have up to 7 types of hair: head's hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, mustache, armpit hair, pubic hair and skin hair, seven types of hair that are clearly different in shape, length, hardness, softness, and thinness, so they are divided into sets such as head's hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, mustache, chest hair, leg hair. And none of the 7 types of human hair is like monkey hair. Only humans have head's hair, no animal has head's hair, and head's hair is different from all other types of hair because head's hair always grows long and can be meters long, some people have head's hair up to five meters long, and head's hair only grows to cover the outside of the skull. The Vietnamese say "The teeth and hair are the appearance of a person" because there is straight hair, fluffy hair, wavy hair, curly hair, twisted hair, frizzy hair, cloud hair, bamboo root hair. Hair is also classified in color as platinum hair, blonde hair, brown hair, red hair, gray hair, black hair. Many people always fix,  caress, pamper and spend a lot of time and money on their hair. Evolutionists should remember that just because of the difference in hair, monkeys can never transform into humans.
             Compared to other animals, monkeys' bodies are very similar to humans: head, body, legs, arms, eyes, nose, chest, abdomen. The hands also have 5 fingers, 4 small fingers and a thumb, only the feet have 4 small fingers as long as 4 fingers and the big toe is separate like the thumb so monkey feet can work like hands, in this point monkey feet have an advantage over human feet, there are also types of feet where the big toe grows backwards, opposite to the other toes, so it is very convenient for climbing. According to the explanation of evolution, human feet were similar to monkey feet in the past, but because they did not climb often, they have the beautiful feet like today. Suppose God created us in that evolutionary way, how many billions of years would it take for monkeys to have beautiful, smooth feet? But look closely at the opposite of evolution: monkey legs are twice or three times shorter than human legs, while monkey arms are twice longer human arms. If evolution allowed monkeys to stand up and walk on two legs to become humans, then human legs should be shorter than monkey legs, because the legs bear the weight of the entire body, so why would human legs grow longer like that? And if we no longer had to use our hands to support ourselves on the ground to walk, then human arms should be longer, but why would they grow shorter like that? Is that contrary to evolution?
             In fact, monkeys, apes, orangutans, and savages, some with long arms that are twice or three times the size of human arms, some with short legs that are twice or three times the size of human legs, were all created according to God's will to suit crawling, walking, climbing, swinging, and jumping, each with its own unique characteristics depending on the habitat they inhabit, enriching the earth.
              THERE IS NO EVOLUTION .
             The theory of evolution has been stunted since its birth. For example, the Big Bang happened nearly 15 billion years ago, but evolutionists cannot explain what exploded, as if the explosion came from nowhere! Why don't they realize that before the Big Bang, there were Super Objects like Black Holes (Read "The Origin of the Universe) scattered throughout space, and only Almighty God could make those Super Objects explode at the same time, creating velocity for molecules so that they combine with each other to become Matter. Secondly, the life of all species on earth, evolutionists believe that when the ground has the right temperature and humidity conditions, the soil will spontaneously produce primitive plants, then primitive animals, and from there will evolve into advanced plants and then advanced animals (!) We have the prejudice that scientists are extremely wise, they have researched thoroughly and meticulously, so what they say we believe by heart! Because science is reality and what can be proven, each of us can verify it by putting moist soil in a glass jar, sterilizing it, covering it and placing it in a cool place to see if life can start on its own! Really This experiment has been tested by scientists for hundreds of years, and now the jar containing moist soil is still intact: This is proof that only God the Creator can create extremely miraculous and sophisticated life. Have you evolutionists learned the answer to the question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"? Simply put, when God created a chicken, there was already an ovary in the chicken's womb. But evolution has not died yet and clings to the ridiculous theory that life on earth is spread by meteorites from other planets! It's so absurd, isn't it? I tell you evolutionists that there is no such thing. Because if that were true, where did life from other planets come from? And how many trillions of years did it take for life clinging to those rocks to evolve into all species on earth?
              And assuming there is evolution, from primitive plants, primitive animals to advanced animals, all are in a state of evolution, so why did only humans evolve from monkeys? And if humans evolved from monkeys, then all things are in a state of steady evolution, that is true evolution, for example, to have humans, there must be primitive plants with human-shaped molds, then billions of years later, they will evolve into primitive animals with human-shaped molds, and from that primitive creature that resembles humans, it will take billions of years to evolve into advanced animals that resemble humans with CONDITIONS similar to humans such as intelligence, the ability to speak, laugh, cry... (Monkeys cannot). And it will take billions of years for those advanced animals that resemble humans to evolve into humans, while life has only appeared on earth for about 300 million years. And all species such as dogs, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, buffaloes, cows, horses, must also evolve in a similar way. But let's observe carefully thousands of thousands of animals to see if any of them came from any other? For example, the elephant with its strange and funny trunk that can both breathe and suck water, and can also be used as a handle, its tusks from its precious fangs, its body like a thatched house, its four legs like four pillars, then which tree did the elephant come from, which animal did it evolve into? And how many tens of billions of years did it take to evolve from a primitive plant with the shape of an elephant to become an elephant? Or like the buffalo with its thick, shiny black skin, its sharp, curved horns, its four legs with split hooves to wade through mud without slipping, so what tree did it come from, which animal did it evolve into? Or like the gentle and funny giraffe, its four legs like four tall poles, its beautiful, colorful fur, so what tree did it come from, which animal did it evolve into? And it must have taken hundreds of billions of years to evolve from primitive plants into a beautiful and funny giraffe?
               In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of types of moss, algae, grass, insects, shrimp, fish, livestock, wild animals... Each one is extremely strange, magical, funny and beautiful, no species has evolved from another species, no animal has evolved from another. Yet only humans have evolved from monkeys, an animal with so many differences?
            We must also say that people have found plants that can catch insects, algae that can catch shrimp, mimosa plants that can close their leaves, and mushrooms that can shrink when touched. Is that plants evolving into animals? Absolutely not, that is God's wonderful and funny creation, because those things have been born for ages and never change, insect-catching plants keep giving birth to insect-catching plants, algae that catch shrimps keep giving birth to algae that catch shrimps, you cannot use those things to say that they are evolving.
            But we see that only humans are different by this blood type and that blood type and since DNA was discovered, people suddenly understood that life is extremely sophisticated and complex, so there is no way that life started from algae, bacteria and evolved into plants, animals, not to mention humans, but people do not dare to speak out about the nonsense of the theory of evolution instead of having to correct, have to apologize to have to admit that it was God who created life.
           In short: There is absolutely no evolution, in the past those who initiated the theory of evolution were mistaken, today many people who regurgitate the theory of evolution are just deceiving to deny God is the Creator of all things and species and want to deny that humans have souls.
           Some people say that even if there is no evolution, humans are just a species of high-level monkeys. 
           This statement is not wrong if it does not mean denying God, because humans are just animals like other animals, they must be born by their parents, must breathe, must eat and drink to grow up, must get sick, must grow old and then die. But humans are different from animals because they have superior intelligence, a thousand times more. This difference proves that humans have souls, and we are the blessed ones who have been inspired by the Bible that humans have souls and only humans have souls, no animal has souls (see "Soul"). And because humans have souls, there is no way humans evolved from monkeys.

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